Has it really been a month since I last posted here? I need to do better, but so much goes on on a daily basis that it’s hard to keep up with it all. Since we left you last Zoe’s learned the joys of cereal, barley and oatmeal to be exact, we thought we’d wait a bit to start her on Count Chocula and Lucky Charms. We’re not sure how much actually makes it in down her throat, her bib and face seem to be covered in it, but they say this is really just to get her used to eating solid food so make as big a mess as you want lil one. That may be the last time you hear me say that. On 20 June, sisters met for the first time as Maddy flew in from Gawgia, I mean Georgia. What a great time we’ve been having, Maddy learned all about Zoe’s issues, and potential complications. The wonderful people at Scottish Rite even set up an appointment, specifically for Madison, to get her acquainted with Spina Bifida and all that is involved with Zoe’s treatments down there. She kinda mastered the course since we gave her a crash course before she went, and she has a friend with SB, so this was not a world ending moment for her, which was great to see.
Zoe’s been Zoe, this kid loves her routine, I wish I could be on her schedule. She’s usually asleep for the night by 10:30, if we don’t wake her up, she’ll get up about 0830-0900, but she won’t cry, she’ll kinda coo and talk to herself until someone comes to get her. She eats a good hearty breakfast, hangs out for an hour or so, then back to sleep for a much needed 2-3hr nap. It’s tough being a baby. Again, wakes up from that, eat, and play around with Mom or whoever’s available to laugh with. She’s a great laugher, always a smile. Then back down for an afternoon nap, up to eat, bath and cath, and off to bed. It’s not that simple ever, but she gets a full night sleep and 2 pretty good naps throughout the day.
We’ve had some concern recently about her right foot, her toes practically touch her shin and it’s bent off to the side. We also see no response in her legs to any stimuli, which is not good. I guess I’ve been very good at letting people know it’s a concern of ours, “How’s her legs?” is usually the second question I get after, “How’s Brooke, how’s Zoe?” Once again the wonderful people at Scottish Rite were willing to talk to nervous newbies about it, they said that, “yes” it is something to watch for, it could be many things, but they are not going to do anything at this stage to stunt her development as a baby. They say they could put her in a cast up to her chest and try and straighten everything out, but even my Super Baby would have a hard time learning to roll over with a body cast on. On top of that, these issues would be just as likely to come back later anyway. This is hard for us, but we need to have patience. And if indeed patience really is a virtue, it is not one Brooke and I possess in abundance. But we are learning, and we pray for patience and that Zoe would be healed.
I haven’t shared this with many people, and I’m not usually one to take stock in dreams, but I like this one so I’m going to. In this dream, I am in my house, I knew it was mine, but it wasn’t my current home (but it was nice), John Ferguson was there too. We were talking when Zoe walked past, carrying something. I then said to her, “Are you putting your brother to bed?” Don’t remember a thing after that…. I believe there are 2 key words in the above sentence – “walked” and “brother.” Any questions why I chose to believe this one??? Saddle up, this could be an interesting ride.
We’ve been having a lot of fun with Madison, she’s learning how to change a diaper, give a baby a bath, and she even got to feed Zoe the other day! My little girl is growing up into a fine young lady of 11 and getting ready to start middle school this fall. Ah, to be an awkward middle schooler again, not really out of the child stage, nowhere near ready for high school. I truly think middle school kids are insane and have no idea how Brooke deals with their crazy lil minds. My wife is a super hero!
We’ve been having a lot of fun with Madison, she’s learning how to change a diaper, give a baby a bath, and she even got to feed Zoe the other day! My little girl is growing up into a fine young lady of 11 and getting ready to start middle school this fall. Ah, to be an awkward middle schooler again, not really out of the child stage, nowhere near ready for high school. I truly think middle school kids are insane and have no idea how Brooke deals with their crazy lil minds. My wife is a super hero!
We had a great 4th of July weekend, I ended up with 5 days in a row off, and we did one cookout and fireworks show after the other, it was a good time. Zoe, however, took more of a liking to her cousin Scott on Saturday. Scott and I had come back from an 8mi run and I was about to make us all breakfast when Zoe caught him in her gaze and began to crack up. He hadn’t done anything really, but he had her in laughing away…since then we’ve gotten some good laughs out of her, but nothing like that morning, way to go Scott!!!! Priceless!
Brooke got some good news today as well, we have some really good leads on some programs that will help cover some of the expenses my friends at the insurance company don’t want to cover, which In reality is all of them, but I’m not going down that road again. These programs will provide some money for things like catheters, physical therapists, and even equipment we might need. Still a small mountain of paperwork to climb but we’re getting pretty good at climbing.
Well, I will try to do better about keeping this updated, I do better at keeping pictures on facebook, much less time to do that, then come up with good writing, or my version of it anyway. Until next time, thank you all for checking in to read on our pudgy bundle and continue to pray for her, as you pray for us. Thank you all, God Bless.