Alright already! I get it! You guys really like Zoe and need more than what you’re getting. After hearing about it in the strangest of places… Brooke’s 10yr reunion, dinner with Carol’s college roommate, random people at work… I get it. I will try and do better about writing and keeping the pictures posted. I’ll also work harder not to offend the sensibilities of the more sensitive of our readers, no matter how inadvertently I may have done it in the past. Zoe is 8 months old today, and to celebrate she thought it would be BIG fun to projectile vomit some laxative laden apple juice ALLLLLL over Daddy. Yup, she finished the bottle, looked at me, smiled her sweet toothy grin, burped once….and then the flood gates opened! It’s gross people, stop laughing!
Now you may have noticed I said, “toothy grin,” and yes the bottom teef have been in for some time now, but Zoe is pulling off a foursome of top teeth all at the same time, and handling it well in my opinion. Yes, she’s needed her frozen chew toy (so now she’s a dog)a few times and a little midnight fussiness, I still can’t complain, she hardly wakes up in the middle of the night and chomping on a piece of ice wrapped in a wash cloth usually does the trick, for the more painful nights, we go with tequila shots, she’s getting real good with the salt and lime! Please, for those of you without a sense of humor do not call CPS; the previous sentence was a joke. Zoe’s getting the handle on solid food now too. Having mastered the art of the mush, she’ll down strained anything in 4 bites now; she’s moving on to chewing with Yogurt Bites and what can only be described as Baby Cheez Puffs. Not sure what they are called, but that’s what they look like, and the dogs like em too!
Since we get this question a lot, we know it’s what is foremost on your minds. Nothing new is really all we have. Zoe has been to Scottish Rite for appointments a couple of times since we last talked, and while they were good appointments, no new revelation came of them. They still say they expect Zoe to be highly functioning and cognitively she is doing exactly what an 8 month old should do. She’s not real interested in pulling up or crawling, but if you were her and didn’t really feel your legs, you wouldn’t know what you’re missing. I did see a story in the news recently about stem cell research to treat spinal cord injuries.
It’s not really dealing with Spina Bifida, but it shows that there are potential breakthroughs happening everyday, and if someone else doesn’t do it, I’ll have to come up with the first fiber optic nerves. Bottom line, I don’t care how the miracle manifests itself, I won’t ever stop believing for it, and when we see Zoe walk, I mean really walk, then we’ll know, and you better believe I’ll have something to write about on that day.
Brooke and I are working to find ways to make our jobs fit our new life, or the other way around; I’m not sure which it is. Neither of us have your basic 9 to 5 job; I’m not sure anyone does anymore. We are finding it challenging to make all the extra commitments our jobs require work together. We never know when an emergency will force me to stay late at work and Brooke has a few more after school commitments than we, or at least I, anticipated. So far we’ve managed with more than a little help from Carol and a team of babysitters. One thing this little girl has is a long line of people willing to play with her, and for each one we are thankful. One really good thing about being a choir teacher in a high school, a near limitless supply of potential babysitters for nights out, some even drive themselves! Jackpot!!! On that front, there are a lot of government programs that have been around long before the Hopey Changy Thingy came about, and we are getting close to finishing all the qualifying requirements to benefit from them, one of which is no kidding, money for babysitters. How cool is that?!?
Okay enough of the boring story; I know most of you are here to see Zoe, so I’ll put as many pics up as I can, enjoy the many faces of Zoe
Now you may have noticed I said, “toothy grin,” and yes the bottom teef have been in for some time now, but Zoe is pulling off a foursome of top teeth all at the same time, and handling it well in my opinion. Yes, she’s needed her frozen chew toy (so now she’s a dog)a few times and a little midnight fussiness, I still can’t complain, she hardly wakes up in the middle of the night and chomping on a piece of ice wrapped in a wash cloth usually does the trick, for the more painful nights, we go with tequila shots, she’s getting real good with the salt and lime! Please, for those of you without a sense of humor do not call CPS; the previous sentence was a joke. Zoe’s getting the handle on solid food now too. Having mastered the art of the mush, she’ll down strained anything in 4 bites now; she’s moving on to chewing with Yogurt Bites and what can only be described as Baby Cheez Puffs. Not sure what they are called, but that’s what they look like, and the dogs like em too!
Since we get this question a lot, we know it’s what is foremost on your minds. Nothing new is really all we have. Zoe has been to Scottish Rite for appointments a couple of times since we last talked, and while they were good appointments, no new revelation came of them. They still say they expect Zoe to be highly functioning and cognitively she is doing exactly what an 8 month old should do. She’s not real interested in pulling up or crawling, but if you were her and didn’t really feel your legs, you wouldn’t know what you’re missing. I did see a story in the news recently about stem cell research to treat spinal cord injuries.
It’s not really dealing with Spina Bifida, but it shows that there are potential breakthroughs happening everyday, and if someone else doesn’t do it, I’ll have to come up with the first fiber optic nerves. Bottom line, I don’t care how the miracle manifests itself, I won’t ever stop believing for it, and when we see Zoe walk, I mean really walk, then we’ll know, and you better believe I’ll have something to write about on that day.
Brooke and I are working to find ways to make our jobs fit our new life, or the other way around; I’m not sure which it is. Neither of us have your basic 9 to 5 job; I’m not sure anyone does anymore. We are finding it challenging to make all the extra commitments our jobs require work together. We never know when an emergency will force me to stay late at work and Brooke has a few more after school commitments than we, or at least I, anticipated. So far we’ve managed with more than a little help from Carol and a team of babysitters. One thing this little girl has is a long line of people willing to play with her, and for each one we are thankful. One really good thing about being a choir teacher in a high school, a near limitless supply of potential babysitters for nights out, some even drive themselves! Jackpot!!! On that front, there are a lot of government programs that have been around long before the Hopey Changy Thingy came about, and we are getting close to finishing all the qualifying requirements to benefit from them, one of which is no kidding, money for babysitters. How cool is that?!?
Okay enough of the boring story; I know most of you are here to see Zoe, so I’ll put as many pics up as I can, enjoy the many faces of Zoe
Great to see Zoe back!! I'm so glad there are such programs, too. You guys better find a way to get in on some of that stuff! :)